I think I win the lamest blogger award, but I assure you, I'm keeping busy. ;)
This week my fabrics are arriving at shops so this is very exciting to me! Especially with it being my first line. It's also very strange, but I feel very blessed to be a part of such an exciting industry. And although it's strange, it also feels very 'normal' for me to be doing this. I've been drawing my whole life and have always had a love of creating. I've sewn for many years, even back into my childhood.
My fabrics are a natural reflection of who I am and what I love. I've always enjoyed drawing 'little girls' as my mom would attest to as they were always on the walls she says. :) My parents both are not surprised at all that my drawings consist largely of more 'little girls'. Me and my sisters very often drew together with my dad's special markers. We drew houses and families and yes, lots of little girls. In pretty dresses of course. :) I loved children at a young age and loved babysitting, then worked at Kinder Care after high school with the toddlers and also was a nanny before I had my own children. I've always been young at heart, (definitly don't feel my age), played with dolls way too old I'm sure (shhhh...), and I just love all things super cute.
If you want to find out a little bit more about me, I did a little interview with the Jolly Jabber about my new line The Simple Life, that you can read here! It was really fun, thanks Jolly Jabber! :)
In other news, I finally got my first real quilting sewing machine! It's a Pfaff Expression 150 and so far I'm loving it. I'm really excited about this one since I know it will last for many many years and give me the results and ease of quilting that I've been wanting.
Here I am testing it out....
Yep, it works!
Which is a good thing with fall market just around the corner and I've been starting on some projects. (If you're going to fall market, let me know!)
Here's all my trimmings... kinda pretty huh?
I rearranged my sewing area so that Ava can hang out with me more comfortably while I sew, so here's a little table with my stuff and her stuff. :)
And see how I'm molding and shaping her correctly?
Happy Wednesday!